date:: [[2022-10-03]], [[2022-10-07]]
Parent:: [[Tabletop Roleplaying Games|TTRPG]]
# [[EZD6]]
EZD6 is a [[Tabletop Roleplaying Games|TTRPG]] system that was created to be easy to learn and play, particularly in convention settings. EZD6 prioritizes simplicity over sophistication and epic moves over mechanics, and that is its biggest strength and its biggest weakness.
## System Summary
Setting:: General high magic fantasy
Classes:: Yes, *hero paths* - Warrior, Warden, Delver, Brute, Rascal, Friar, Conjurer, Beastmaster, or Skald
Races:: Yes, *species* - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Goblin
Tests:: 1d6 (or more) vs. Difficulty Scale (default 3, which is *Normal*)
Degree of success:: Yes, 6s explode
Attributes:: Health, Armor
Player agency:: High - karma points and hero dice can increase rolls and reroll them
PC hardiness:: Medium - characters have about 3 strikes for health, and armor allows characters to roll to avoid a strike.
PC power level:: High
## Distinctive Features
### Exploding successes
Rolling a 6 on a d6 is always a success, and it is always a success. In combat, rolling a 6 causes the dice to explode: the character (or enemy) that rolled a 6 can roll another die. If the new roll is also a 6, then they can keep rolling until they roll something other than a 6.
Crits can be carried over to adjacent enemies for melee attacks, or enemies within range for ranged attacks.
In this way, combat especially tends to be extremely swingy and exciting.
### Karma points
Karma is a resource that can be earned through different ways:
- Every character gets 3 karma every game session.
- The GM can award karma for excellent roleplaying.
- Failing an action roll also grants a character karma.
A single karma point can be used to increase a rolled result by one. There is no limit as to how many points can be used on a single roll. Karma can also be used to increase rolls to a 6, which still counts as a critical success.
Five karma points can be used to recover a hero die.
Karma can't be used:
- for spells (magick) or miracles.
- to modify a natural 1 on the die.
### Hero die
Every character gets a hero die at the beginning of every session. A hero die is a free, one-time reroll and, unlike karma, *can* be used on natural 1s. Five karma points can be used to get another hero die.
### Heroes go first
In combat, group initiative is used, but heroes always go first unless they are surprised by monsters.
### Simplified health
Most characters have three strikes of Health. One hit from most weapons is equal to one strike, though larger weapons can be worth more strikes.
### Magic is a mini-game
EZD6 has a different system for magic, almost like it's a mini-game, to make it feel mechanically distinct from physical attacks and other types of tests.
#### Magick mechanics
- To resist a spell, normal creatures roll 1d6 (some may roll more).
- *After seeing the resistance roll,* spellcasters decide on the power level of a spell (1d6-3d6) and they take the highest roll.
- If the spellcaster's roll is greater than or equal to the resistance roll, the spell takes effect.
#### Spellburn
If any of the power level dice is a 1, the spell automatically fails *unless the spellcaster takes spellburn*. Spellburn means taking a strike for each 1 rolled. If they choose to do so, the spell can still be cast.
#### Multiple targets
For every target above the first, a 1d6 is added to the resistance roll. Either all enemies are affected by the spell or none of them are.
#### "Anchoring" is concentration
Some spells need to be maintained, and this can be done by "anchoring". The anchor is broken when the spellcaster takes a strike, falls unconscious, or casts another spell. Some schools of magic can also use karma points to maintain a spell.
### Miracles are divine
Miracles are feats that are beyond magick. Miracles are of a divine nature, and are performed by rolling up to 3d6 (depending on urgency) vs. a deity's "aloofness roll", to be determined by the GM. Examples:
- Resurrecting a fallen friend: 6d6 difficulty
- Speak to dead difficulty: 3d6
Offerings to deities can allow devout characters to reroll all the dice once a day.
### Wealth is abstracted to lifestyle levels
Instead of tracking money, EZD6 only tracks wealth levels. Being of *moderate* wealth allows characters to buy most gear, armor, weapons, and accommodations, abstracting the recordkeeping away.
## My impressions of EZD6
EZD6 sounds REALLY interesting. Everything about it encourages fun, gonzo-level play. I'm not sure how it would play as a longer campaign, but it's a system that would seem to play extremely well as a one-shot.
### What I like
### What I don't like
### My games of EZD6
## Resources
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