# Obsidian Admonition [repo](https://github.com/valentine195/obsidian-admonition) Admonition is an [[Obsidian]] [[Obsidian plugins I use|plugin I use]] by [[Jeremy Valenine]]. It lets you create "callouts" within your notes that can be collapsible. > [!warning] This plugin has changed > As of March 2022, much of the funcitonality of Obsidian Admonition has been incorporated into Obsidian as [[Obsidian Callouts]]. ## Types of admonitions ### `ad-note` ```ad-note This is a note. ``` ![[ad-note.png]] ### `ad-warning` ```ad-warning This is a warning. ``` ![[ad-warning.png]] ### `ad-info` ```ad-info This is an info block. ``` ![[ad-info.png]] ### `ad-bug` ```ad-bug This is a bug. ``` ![[ad-bug.png]] ### `ad-abstract` ```ad-abstract This is an abstract. ``` ![[ad-abstract.png]] ### `ad-tip` ```ad-tip This is a tip. ``` ![[ad-tip.png]] ### `ad-success` ```ad-success This is a success. ``` ![[ad-success.png]] ### `ad-question` ```ad-question This is a question. ``` ![[ad-question.png]] ### `ad-failure` ```ad-failure This is a failure. ``` ![[ad-failure.png]] ### `ad-danger` ```ad-danger This is a danger. ``` ![[ad-danger.png]] ### `ad-example` ```ad-example This is an example. ``` ![[ad-example.png]] ### `ad-quote` ```ad-quote This is a quote. ``` ![[ad-quote.png]] ## Parameters \```ad-<type> # Admonition type. See below for a list of available types. title: # Admonition title. collapse: # Create a collapsible admonition. icon: # Override the icon. color: # Override the color. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod nulla. \```