%% date:: [[2022-08-15]], 2022-08-20 %% # [[Obsidian Spaced Repetition]] Spaced Repetition is a [[Obsidian plugins I use|plugin]] for [[Obsidian]] that lets you quickly create flashcards that are shown to you based on principles of [[Spaced Repetition]]. ## Usage ### Single line `::` ``` front::back ``` ### Single line reversed `:::` ``` ett barn:::the child ``` ### Multi-line `?` ``` front here and it won't be reversed ? and here's the back it'll always be the back ``` ### Multi-line reversed `??` ``` This thing here is going to be one part of the card ?? This is the second part and they'll be reversed ``` ### [[Cloze]] cards `==` or `**` Text that is highlighted or bolded will be hidden and turned into Cloze deletions. ``` Here's a part of the sentence and ==this part== will be a blank ```