# The process of chaos engineering
Last Updated:
- [[2021-02-26]]
- [[2021-02-23]]
- [[2021-02-11]]
tags: [#kleur/groen]
### Define and prepare the steady state
The steady state is the control state of a system, and can be defined with metrics such as error rate, response time, or resource utilization. The purpose of having a steady state is to validate the stability of the application before any chaos experiments are run.
With [[Infrastructure as code]], this could include checking to make sure that all components are deployed. %%[[Daniel González Lopes]]%%
#### Observe your system
Examine the architectural diagram and try to identify key components to test.
#### Baseline your metrics
Make sure you're monitoring the system as it is and that metrics are being collected to help you define that steady state quantitatively. You should also set SLOs/SLIs per service so that you know when the performance strays away from the steady state.
### Build a hypothesis
A hypothesis should be formulated as a positive statement such as "When an instance is shut down, the application recovers and switches to another node within 10 minutes." It should be based on measurable output.
In testing terminology, the hypothesis is what would typically determine whether the test has passed or failed-- although chaos engineers usually speak in terms of [[Chaos engineering terminology#^6d9892|experiments]] rather than tests.
#### Set abort conditions
Setting an [[Chaos engineering terminology#^558980|abort condition]] means determining the situations beyond which it would not be meaningful to continue the experiment, or those beyond which the experiment would be detrimental to the application (especially if you're testing in production).
#### Set blast radius and magnitude
Plan in advance and try to limit blast radius and magnitude. Start small! For example, run _one_ experiment with only a 10% increase in load to services.
### Execute chaos experiments to disprove the hypothesis
Introduce variables in the forms of experiments (latency, node shutdown, etc.) to determine how they affect an application. Prioritize these variables in terms of severity of frequency, and only do them one at a time to start with.
Experiments are designed specifically to try to attack the application in different ways to produce an outcome other than the hypothesized one.
![[PRINCIPLES OF CHAOS ENGINEERING - Principles of Chaos Engineering#^145418657]]
#### Environment
Chaos experiments are best done on production.
### Analyze results
### Re-test
Tweak the experiment parameters, explore "what if" scenarios, and think of other experiments that might disprove the hypothesis.
### Share your results
### Automate
Incorporate some experiments into the [[CI CD Pipeline]] and make them run continuously, to minimize manual effort.
## References
- [[In the kitchen - a sprinkle of fire and chaos]]
- [[sources/Article/Using Chaos Engineering to Test Distributed Systems]]
- [[sources/Presentation/Using Chaos Engineering to Test Distributed Systems]]
- [[PRINCIPLES OF CHAOS ENGINEERING - Principles of Chaos Engineering]]
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