%% date:: [[2023-01-04]] Parent:: [[Community building]] %% # [[Tips for building a good community]] - [[The basis of anti-marketing is authenticity]]. Share personal things about yourself and encourage others to do the same. - Engage with everyone who reaches out to you, and [[Don't leave a hand unshaken]]. [^flynn] - Solicit engagement on your content: "In the comments below, tell us how you...." - Come up with a challenge that your audience can do. - [[Working with the garage door up|Work with the garage door up]]. - Foster a sense of community identity by giving the community a name to rally behind. - Create swag - Create opportunities to meet up. - Feature community members who can tell their stories of how you helped them. - Create a VIP experience - Send video messages - Brainstorm how to delight your VIPs - Create a platinum access experience. - Hold [[Office Hours]] once a week to engage with the community, but still limit the time you spend doing so. - Collaborate with other creators (but only if you genuinely respect them). This is an opportunity to widen your community. [^davella] - Pick and choose the platforms you want to build a community on. [^flynn]: Flynn, P. (2019). _Superfans: The easy way to stand out, grow your tribe, and build a successful business._ Get Smart Books. [[Superfans|My highlights]] and [[sources/Book/Superfans|my literature notes]]. [^davella]: D'Avella, M. (2020). *Master YouTube*. Retrieved from https://slowgrowth.com