# Using a custom domain with Obsidian Publish [[Obsidian Publish]] is a paid service offered by [[Obsidian]] for making Markdown notes within an Obsidian vault public. By default, Obsidian Publish uses the subdomain `publish.obsidian.md`, but it also includes an option to publish to a custom domain, with some setup. ## Setup Obsidian has some [setup instructions here](https://help.obsidian.md/Obsidian+Publish/Set+up+a+custom+domain), but they're a little terse, clearly in initial stages, and there were a few issues I ran into that weren't documented. So here's what I ended up doing. [[Recommended practices for initializing a new virtual server]] (I used [[DigitalOcean]]) [[Installing Nginx on Ubuntu]] [[Setting up server blocks on Nginx]] [[Installing an SSL certificate on Nginx server]] [[Setting up Nginx as a reverse proxy]] ### Proxy server name I needed to explicitly enable `proxy_ssl_server_name`. ### Proxy URL I adjusted the URL based on the Netlify instructions in the Obsidian docs. ```bash location / { proxy_pass https://publish.obsidian.md/serve?url=notes.nicolevanderhoeven.com/; proxy_ssl_server_name on; } ``` ## Pricing Obsidian Publish costs $8 a month, with lifetime early bird pricing, build annually. It will eventually cost $16 a month.