%% date:: [[2023-12-01]] parent:: %% # [[Strange New Worlds]] [repo](https://github.com/TfTHacker/obsidian42-strange-new-worlds) Strange New Worlds is a community plugin for [[obsidian-playbook/Using Obsidian/01 First steps with Obsidian/Obsidian|Obsidian]] created by [[TfTHacker]]. SNW parses the links to notes on a page and shows the number of notes linking *to* them: ![[obsidian-strange-new-worlds-number.png]] Hovering on the number shows a list of the pages linking to the note, whether explicitly (linked mentions) or implicitly (unlinked mentions). SNW also adds a tab on the sidebar where the same information is shown if the number is clicked: ![[obsidian-strange-new-worlds.png]]