Search is another [[Core plugins|core plugin]] that lets you find notes or parts of them according to criteria you specify. It is enabled by default. Here are some examples of what you can do with the Search plugin: | Example | Description | | ------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | tag:#inbox | Returns all files that have the tag `#inbox` | | links | Returns all files that contain the word `links` | | line:(links backlinks) | Returns files that contain a line that has the words `links` and `backlinks` | | section:(links backlinks) | Returns files that contain a section that has the words `links` and `backlinks` | | links OR URL | Returns files that contain the word `links` and files that contain `URL` | | links -tag:#inbox | Returns files that contain the word `links` but are not tagged with `#inbox` | | links path:Course | Returns files in the folder `Course` that contain the word `links` | | links -path:Course | Returns files NOT in the folder `Course` that contain the word `links` | | links -backlinks | Returns files that contain `links`, not including those that contain `backlinks` | | task:buy | Returns tasks that contain the word `buy` | | task-todo:buy | Returns uncompleted tasks that contain the word `buy` | | task-done:buy | Returns completed tasks that contain the word `buy` | You can find the full list of things you can do with search [in the Obsidian documentation]( ## Embed search results You can also embed search results in a note like this: > ```query > templater > ``` And it looks like this: ```query templater ```