Callouts are blocks of text that are formatted differently so that they stand out from ordinary text. They are a core feature of Obsidian. ## Callout Types ### note ```plain > [!note] Note > This is a note. ``` > [!note] Note > This is a note. ### abstract, summary, tldr ```plain > [!tldr] TLDR > Too long; didn't read. ``` > [!tldr] abstract/summary/tldr > Too long; didn't read. ### info, todo ```plain > [!todo] info > Here's some information. ``` > [!todo] info/todo > Here's some information. ### tip, hint, important ```plain > [!tip] tip, hint, important > This is a tip ``` > [!tip] tip/ hint/ important > This is a tip ### success, check, done ```plain > [!success] success/check/done > This thing is done ``` > [!success] success/check/done > This thing is done ### question, help, faq ```plain > [!question] question/help/faq > Here's a question ``` > [!question] question/help/faq > Here's a question #### warning, caution, attention ```plain > [!warning] warning/caution/attention > This is a warning! ``` > [!warning] warning/caution/attention > This is a warning! ### failure, fail, missing ```plain > [!fail] failure/fail/missing > This failed! ``` > [!fail] failure/fail/missing > This failed! ### danger, error ```plain > [!danger] danger/error > Error! Error! ``` > [!danger] danger/error > Error! Error! ### bug ```plain > [!bug] bug > Bug reported! ``` > [!bug] bug > Bug reported! ### example ```plain > [!example] example > This is only an example. ``` > [!example] example > This is only an example. ### quote, cite ```plain > [!quote] quote/cite > This is a quote. ``` > [!quote] quote/cite > This is a quote.