date:: [[2024-01-27]]
# [[Sharing your notes]]
[[Syncing in Obsidian|Syncing your notes]] keeps your Obsidian notes update on multiple devices you own, but what if you want to share your notes with other people?
Here are some options for letting other people see your notes.
## Give them a copy of your vault
You can send others copies of individual [[obsidian-playbook/Using Obsidian/02 Making Notes in Obsidian/Markdown|Markdown]] files or, if you'd prefer, you can also give them a copy of your entire vault.
To package up your vault, zip or compress the vault directory. You can usually do this by right clicking on your vault folder in your local file explorer and clicking *Compress* (on Macs) or using another app like [7-zip](https://www.7-zip.org/) to do so.
You can then send a copy of the zipped file through whatever means you choose.
## [[Obsidian Publish]]
## [[Collaborating with others on notes]]